Solar Powered Bollards Light The Way
A solarpost installation project that aimed to brighten up the pathway from the car park to the main building.
the challenge
The Saint Hill Manor wanted a more stable and efficient way to light up the pathway from the car park to the main building. Low maintenance costs and reliability were also essential due to the frequency of usage.

the solution & installation
Fourteen solarpost solar powered lighting bollards have been installed at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, East Sussex lighting the pathway from the car park to the main building. The solarpost bollards were specified by landscape architects, Enplan as part of improvements to the grounds at Saint Hill.
the benefits
As well as providing excellent illumination levels, solarpost illuminated bollards minimise light pollution by providing two levels of illumination. A lower level of illumination is maintained continuously from dusk till dawn which is increased when the solarpost automatically detects someone approaching. As the pedestrian walks along the pathway, each solarpost increases its light level providing a moving pool of light.
Solarposts offers a very attractive overall cost of ownership. With no trenching required, supply and installation costs are typically at least 25% lower than for conventional bollards. Once installed, there are no energy or running costs and no carbon footprint providing ongoing cost and environmental benefits. Maintenance requirements are minimal with just an annual wipe clean of the solar panels. Solarpost bollards carry a two year guarantee and expected lifetime in excess of 10 years